Broadway In Chicago is the source for terrific seats to the most exciting shows in Chicago's bustling Downtown Theater District. On the stages of the Cadillac Palace Theatre, CIBC Theatre, Oriental Theatre, the Auditorium Theatre and the Broadway Playhouse you will discover theater productions direct from Broadway and world premieres of productions destined for Broadway.
Broadway In Chicago makes it easy to get the best seats available plus provides unique visitor and tourism offerings for a very special theater experience. For a truly memorable night at the theater, be sure to include the luxurious amenities of Broadway In Chicago's Suite Service.
Broadway In Chicago has the theater tickets and special added experiences for the Broadway shows you want to see. This site is also an outstanding resource for your every Chicago entertainment need. It is a one-stop-shopping source for the information you want including hotels and restaurants, especially for those planning a group outing, a corporate event or a dramatically successful fundraiser.
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