L'histoire Crêpes originated in Bretagne, the westernmost region of France.This region is also known for its Celtic Heritage. Many of the Arthurian legends take place in Brittany and many people still speak Brezonek or Breton. Crêpes even have their own holiday. It is called"la chandeleur” and it is celebrated on February 2nd. The crêpes are made on the round iron griddles, called Biligs .Flipping the crêpe, while holding a coin in the left hand, is said to ensure wealth & happiness for the year.
La Crêperie is the oldest Crêperie in the U.S. Germain and Sara Roignant opened la Crêperie on June 1st,1972. The front dining room was the entire restaurant and the copper arch in front was the original kitchen exhaust .Many of the posters in the restaurant remain from opening day. The bilig on the wall in the hallway was the original one that Germain brought from France. The map next to it is Bretagne. If you look closely you can find his hometown, called Chateauneuf-du-Faou.
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Longtime French bistro specializing in sweet & savory crepes, with an international wine list.

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